Published on in Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Jan-Jun

- Ibrahim N. Le smartphone comme outil thérapeutique chez l’adolescent diabétique de type 1. Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture 2021;42(320):16 View
- Ray M, McMichael A, Rivera-Santana M, Noel J, Hershey T. Technological Ecological Momentary Assessment Tools to Study Type 1 Diabetes in Youth: Viewpoint of Methodologies. JMIR Diabetes 2021;6(2):e27027 View
- Fareed N, Swoboda C, Singh P, Boettcher E, Wang Y, Venkatesh K, Strouse R. Developing and testing an integrated patient mHealth and provider dashboard application system for type 2 diabetes management among Medicaid-enrolled pregnant individuals based on a user-centered approach: Mixed-methods study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
- Pais V, Patel B, Ghayoori S, Hamilton J. “Counting Carbs to Be in Charge”: A Comparison of an Internet-Based Education Module With In-Class Education in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes 2021;39(1):80 View
- D’Amore S, Mckie M, Fahey A, Bleloch D, Grillo G, Hughes M, Ramaswami U. Fabry App: the value of a portable technology in recording day-to-day patient monitored information in patients with Fabry disease. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2024;19(1) View
- Handa T, Onoue T, Kobayashi T, Maeda R, Mizutani K, Yamagami A, Kinoshita T, Yasuda Y, Iwama S, Miyata T, Sugiyama M, Takagi H, Hagiwara D, Suga H, Banno R, Azuma Y, Kasai T, Yoshioka S, Kuwatsuka Y, Arima H. Effects of Digitization of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Records Using a Mobile App and the Cloud System on Outpatient Management of Diabetes: Single-Armed Prospective Study. JMIR Diabetes 2024;9:e48019 View
- Wyche S, Olson D, Karanu M, Omondi E, Olonyo M. Limitations of Using Mobile Phones for Managing Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Among Youth in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Implications for mHealth. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2024;8(CSCW2):1 View