This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:
Diabetes Education and Elearning for Health Professionals (13) Telehealth and Telemonitoring (1713) E-Health / Health Services Research and New Models of Care (542) User-centred Design Case Studies (602) Diabetes (194) Participatory Medicine & E-Patients (787) Diabetes Health Services and System Innovations (119)Published on in Vol 8 (2023)
Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are
available at, first published
The Promising Success of Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Diabetes: Case Series
The Promising Success of Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Diabetes: Case Series
Authors of this article:
Lauren Figg1 ; Ananta Addala1, 2 ; Ishaan Jain3 ; Claudia Anez4, 5 ; Paul Midney6 ; Corin DeChirico6 ; Colleen Symanski7 ; Brian C Fitzgerald8 ; Kristi Colbert9 ; Terry Raymer9 ; Candy Stockton-Joreteg10 ; Elizabeth Murphy11 ; Leah Collins12 ; Cyd Bernstein12 ; Melanie Hechavarria4, 5 ; Eleni P Sheehan4, 5 ; Angelina Bernier4, 5 ; Sarah C Westen13 ; Korey K Hood1, 2 ; Dessi P Zaharieva1 ; Marina Basina2, 14 ; Nicolas Cuttriss1, 2, 15 ; Stephanie L Filipp16 ; Matthew J Gurka16 ; Ashby F Walker5, 17 ; David M Maahs1, 2 ; Michael J Haller4, 5 ; Rayhan A Lal1, 2, 14There are no citations yet available for this article according to Crossref .