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A Novel Intervention Including Individualized Nutritional Recommendations Reduces Hemoglobin A1c Level, Medication Use, and Weight in Type 2 Diabetes

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(1):e5

206362 901 108
A Fully Automated Conversational Artificial Intelligence for Weight Loss: Longitudinal Observational Study Among Overweight and Obese Adults

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e28

20612 32 104
Effect of Diabetes Online Community Engagement on Health Indicators: Cross-Sectional Study

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(2):e8

10101 205 63
Change in Glycemic Control With Use of a Digital Therapeutic in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Cohort Study

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(1):e4

321567 23 46
Enhanced Self-Efficacy and Behavioral Changes Among Patients With Diabetes: Cloud-Based Mobile Health Platform and Mobile App Service

JMIR Diabetes 2019;4(2):e11017

10257 2 45
Promoting Self-Care of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Through a Mobile Phone App: User-Centered Design and Evaluation

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(4):e10105

7986 3 42
Outcomes of a Digitally Delivered Low-Carbohydrate Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Program: 1-Year Results of a Single-Arm Longitudinal Study

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(3):e12

79618 707 41
Evaluating the Accuracy of Google Translate for Diabetes Education Material

JMIR Diabetes 2016;1(1):e3

8859 2 41
A Feasible and Efficacious Mobile-Phone Based Lifestyle Intervention for Filipino Americans with Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e30

7030 2 37
A Novel Approach to Identifying Barriers and Facilitators in Raising a Child With Type 1 Diabetes: Qualitative Analysis of Caregiver Blogs

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e27

4068 5 37
Functionality, Implementation, Impact, and the Role of Health Literacy in Mobile Phone Apps for Gestational Diabetes: Scoping Review

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e25

6091 6 35
Patient Portal Use in Diabetes Management: Literature Review

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(4):e11199

7463 7 35
Experiences of Young People and Their Caregivers of Using Technology to Manage Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Systematic Literature Review and Narrative Synthesis

JMIR Diabetes 2021;6(1):e20973

5740 22 33
One Drop | Mobile: An Evaluation of Hemoglobin A1c Improvement Linked to App Engagement

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e21

8919 76 32
Ability of Current Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict and Detect Hypoglycemia in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-analysis

JMIR Diabetes 2021;6(1):e22458

2434 6 32
Web-Based Weight Loss Intervention for Men With Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e14

5440 9 29
Evaluation of a Diabetes Remote Monitoring Program Facilitated by Connected Glucose Meters for Patients With Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Crossover Trial

JMIR Diabetes 2021;6(1):e25574

3748 29 28
Smartphone App Use for Diabetes Management: Evaluating Patient Perspectives

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(1):e2

10367 14 28
Use of Social Media in the Diabetes Community: An Exploratory Analysis of Diabetes-Related Tweets

JMIR Diabetes 2016;1(2):e4

5269 27 28
Relationship Between Age and Weight Loss in Noom: Quasi-Experimental Study

JMIR Diabetes 2020;5(2):e18363

10540 3 26
Digital Health for Medication Adherence in Adult Diabetes or Hypertension: An Integrative Review

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e20

6597 40 26
Addressing Disparities in Diabetes Management Through Novel Approaches to Encourage Technology Adoption and Use

JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(2):e16

6216 21 25
Perceptions of Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Treated in Swedish Primary Health Care: Qualitative Study on Using eHealth Services for Self-Management Support

JMIR Diabetes 2018;3(1):e7

4731 6 25
Experiences of Patients With a Diabetes Self-Care App Developed Based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model: Before-and-After Study

JMIR Diabetes 2019;4(2):e11590

8016 16 24
Improved Glycemic Control With a Digital Health Intervention in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Retrospective Study

JMIR Diabetes 2021;6(2):e28033

4992 6 23

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