Articles published in 2016 in this theme: 3 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Maureen A Smith, Lauren Bednarz, Peter A Nordby, Jennifer Fink, Robert T Greenlee, Daniel Bolt, Elizabeth M Magnan
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Dec 21); 18(12):e332Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Corey Hannah Basch, Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, Alyssa Berdnik, Charles E Basch
JMIR Diabetes 2016 (Dec 14); 1(2):e6Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Evaluating the Accuracy of Google Translate for Diabetes Education Material
Xuewei Chen, Sandra Acosta, Adam Etheridge Barry
JMIR Diabetes 2016 (Jun 28); 1(1):e3Download Citation: END BibTex RIS